When A Preacher Falls (Acapella Version) : Rap Music Album By Alfred
2) WAPF Satan Throws A Party (Acapella)
3) WAPF There Is No Rejoicing In Heaven (Acapella)
4) WAPF The Entire Body Bleeds (Acapella)
5) WAPF Help Him Get Back Up (Acapella)
6) WAPF The Wolves Can Now Come For The Sheep (Acapella)
7) WAPF Everyone Feels Justified To Cast The First Stone (Acapella)
8) WAPF The Saints Probably Weren’t Praying (Acapella)
9) WAPF The World Becomes A Worse Place (Acapella)
10) WAPF God Loses A Soldier (Acapella)
11) WAPF God’s Plans To Help The World Are Cut Back (Acapella)
12) WAPF Judge Not Lest You Be Judged (Acapella)
13) WAPF Touch Not God’s Anointed (Acapella)
Hello Everybody,
There are a few things you need to know.
Off The Top Verses:
All the verses in this album are 100% freestyles. The verses are off the top. They weren’t written down. However, the Choruses of all the songs where written down to maintain consistency and to add to its quality.
Pure Acapella:
This album is a Vocals Only version. It contains Only vocals. No beats.
It wasn’t tinkered with, mastered, or anything. It’s just raw vocals.
You Can Remix Any Of My Songs Or Albums And Sell Them Commercially:
You as a listener can be a participator and make money off this album like with all my other albums.
You can create beats for the songs and produce your own version of this album.
You can knock out verses, add verses, feature people, get someone else doing the Chorus, Make a compilation of my songs from different albums, etc. Do whatever you want but the end result of what you create must give glory to God, and you must make the last track a Salvation Prayer from any one of my albums. People must be given the opportunity to give their lives to Christ otherwise everything is pointless.
We would share ownership Rights and royalties of your version 50/50.
All you have to do if you’re interested is email me (pastoralfredonline@gmail.com) links to work you’ve done before and if I like it I’ll give you approval to go ahead.
We also have to have a solid legal agreement of the 50/50 split of Royalties and Ownership Rights.
Note you also have to be a Christian and you can’t insult or disrespect me or Christianity in the work that you create.
That’s the way it is with all my albums. Just email me at pastoralfredonline@gmail.com
To Feature Me On Songs & Albums For Free:
Some musicians have a fixed fee for a feature but the problem I find with that is, that means somebody is going to get cheated.
Let me explain.
Lets say I place my standard fee at $90,000 per feature. If you pay it and the song does not generate more that $90,000 that means that I’ve ripped you off.
However, if the song ends up generating millions or even billions over the course of a number of years and your descendants and still eating off it; that means I’ve been ripped off.
No fixed fee can be a fair fee.
So featuring me is free, however I have to own an agreed upon percentage of the ownership rights and the royalties of the song I’m featured in for infinity.
It must be in an unchangeable legally binding document that incontestable that I (and my estate) own whatever percentage that we agree on of the ownership rights and any royalties, proceeds or benefits that may come from the song.
To Form A Music Duo With Me Or Add Me To Your Band For Free:
To Create A Fresh Brand New Collaborative Album With Me And You . i.e. A musical duo or team up between me and you (eg. Fresh Prince & DJ Jazzy Jeff ) just reach out to me and tell me. I don’t care if no one knows who you are. If I think you are good or have the potential to be good I’ll work with you.
Since it takes me an average of one to two days to finish laying down all the vocals and Choruses of an album to beats, I don’t mind being a member of a hundred or more different Christian bands or team ups that plan to release an album every single month.
I love work.
Work is a blessing.
Whether you make good beats or you sing or you rap; I’m open to forming a duo or band with you. Just contact me. Note that you have to be a bible believing Christian. Let me say that once again: You Have To Be A Bible Believing Christian.
Have Any Special Business Propositions Of Your Own:
I’m open to listen to whatever business situations you propose.
Just email me at pastoralfredonline@gmail.com