Fourth of July : A Rap Music Single by Alfred



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We won’t forget it

We won’t forget it

The fourth of July

Always goin’ exist

We won’t forget it

We won’t forget it

On the fourth of July, we’ll always pay reverence

Verse One:

Hurray!!! It’s the 4th of July, let the fireworks rip/

Rip up the sky, light up the sky, like happy new year/

Let planes write in the sky, happy independence day/

And the streets below be filled with spirits lifted to space/

Whoa!!! freedom haters frown on this day/

Leftists, Black Supremacists, Colonists from Britain/

Terrorists ’n’ Globalists want this day erased/

Woketivists push to have pride month again/

Hey!!!! But Patriots says Neh Neh Neh/

It’s time we declare July independence month, Bae/

And moonwalk backwards, kicking pride month into space/

Forever lost in space, never to return again/


We won’t forget it

We won’t forget it

The fourth of July

Always goin’ exist

We won’t forget it

We won’t forget it

On the fourth of July, we’ll always pay reverence

We won’t forget it

We won’t forget it

The fourth of July

Always goin’ exist

We won’t forget it

We won’t forget it

On the fourth of July, we’ll always pay reverence

Verse Two:

Colleges train the the youth to hate the flag/

Disney ’n’ mainstream news anti-american/

They associate the flag with nazism in the leftist mind/

Now patriotism and it’s symbolism, leaves a bad taste in their mouth/

Eeeewwww YURK! They spit it out/

Symbolizing the death of a country by a new world order/

They create disorder, to create their order/

So they create the orders, senate’s paid to order/

A one world government sitting above others/

Taking power from the people, like candy from toddlers/

But the constitution ’n’ the Godly, stands in their way like Trump had/

So they call all three racist buddies, whether Black & White like manga/

Hating all things maga, digging their own burial chamber/


We won’t forget it

We won’t forget it

The fourth of July

Always goin’ exist

We won’t forget it

We won’t forget it

On the fourth of July, we’ll always pay reverence

We won’t forget it

We won’t forget it

The fourth of July

Always goin’ exist

We won’t forget it

We won’t forget it

On the fourth of July, we’ll always pay reverence

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Written by Alfred

Musician/ Writer/ Comic Book Artist/ Video Game Concept Designer/ Life Coach/ Angel Investor. ❤️ E-mail: ❤️ Website:

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